Freitag, 28. September 2018

A Sustainable Vision

A Sustainable Economy will be borne
out of loving kindness, without any thorne,
With values and a savoir-vivre-speed,
that will satisfy all we need.

Now is the time of Human Transition
use your Intuition combined with Vision,
In Love there is no loss or gain,
In Love we Human Beings are all the same.

To Him who created us this way
His will is not that we decay
If we remember who we are
planet earth will be shining like a star.

Man's Eternal Quest

What is this Hole
in our Human Soul,
that we try to feed
with endless greed?

What is this pain
that makes us insane,
running after matter
without getting better?

What is this growth
that kills us both,
a delusion to achieve
that leaves us in grief?

What is this fear
to hide every tear,
the fate of Human Race
to deny our true face?

What is now awaking
that brings a new breaking,
the return of what we want most
it has been with us, the host!

Love cannot be withdrawn or lost
it is what we are, no matter the cost,
the world cannot afford its price
who sees the real treasure will be wise.

Mittwoch, 5. September 2018

Prayer for Awakening

Dear human being! If you just knew what you are running away from, escaping from, distracting yourself from, that it is not something evil or threatening, that it is the treasure you are, you would end up all longing and suffering instantly, sustainably. May you wake up in Love!