The entire world of human perception is ego based. If I think that I am different - better or worse - it's ego again!
Within change this truth does not change. And the ego cannot perceive anything but change. Therefore a perception can never prove any Truth but the Truth of change.
How much substance or essence can there be in change?
The essence of change must be substanceless: Emptiness!
Every breath contains the Truth of substanceless to the ego.
Every breath contains the Truth of unsatisfactoriness to the ego.
Every breath contains the Truth of the ego world.
Breathe mindfully, Daniel!
Daniel Siebens Weg zu einem nachhaltigen Ich. Selbstexperiment im Rahmen der systemischen Nachhaltigkeit. Im Kontext von Suffizienz, Postwachstum, Gemeinwohl, Bio, Awakening.
Montag, 22. Mai 2017
Freitag, 12. Mai 2017
Es war einmal ein Zeltlager im Jahre 1996 des Herrn. Im Bewusstsein von vier GCLern geschah zur gleichen Zeit an zwei Orten in unmittelbarer Nähe eine ebenso spontane wie für mich letztendlich einschneidende Veränderung. Meine Wahrnehmung war durchdrungen von Weisheit und Mitgefühl, das Ich überflutet von Liebe und Frieden, wie ich es nie zuvor auch nur annähernd erlebt habe.
Nach 20 Jahren der Suche nach Wiederholung und Erklärung habe ich im "Leitfaden für die Lebensweise eines Bodhisattvas" (Wie man ein sinnvolles und selbstloses Leben genießt) folgende Definitionen gefunden:
"Bodhisattva: Jemand, der spontanen Bodhichitta entwickelt hat, aber noch kein Buddha geworden ist."
"Bodhichitta: Sanskrit für Erleuchtungsgeist."
Was meint ihr dazu? Hilft euch diese Erklärung weiter? Verbirgt sich dahinter eventuell sogar eine Bestimmung, die nicht zu erfüllen mich zwangsläufig unglücklich sein lässt?
Ich persönlich glaube ja und habe meine Entscheidung getroffen, nach nun einigen gescheiterten Versuchen, ein "normales" Leben zu führen, mich voll und ganz der Erfüllung zu widmen. Da stehe ich nun, wenn auch subjektiv empfunden ziemlich allein. Denn wer könnte das schon verstehen? Ihr vielleicht?
Nach 20 Jahren der Suche nach Wiederholung und Erklärung habe ich im "Leitfaden für die Lebensweise eines Bodhisattvas" (Wie man ein sinnvolles und selbstloses Leben genießt) folgende Definitionen gefunden:
"Bodhisattva: Jemand, der spontanen Bodhichitta entwickelt hat, aber noch kein Buddha geworden ist."
"Bodhichitta: Sanskrit für Erleuchtungsgeist."
Was meint ihr dazu? Hilft euch diese Erklärung weiter? Verbirgt sich dahinter eventuell sogar eine Bestimmung, die nicht zu erfüllen mich zwangsläufig unglücklich sein lässt?
Ich persönlich glaube ja und habe meine Entscheidung getroffen, nach nun einigen gescheiterten Versuchen, ein "normales" Leben zu führen, mich voll und ganz der Erfüllung zu widmen. Da stehe ich nun, wenn auch subjektiv empfunden ziemlich allein. Denn wer könnte das schon verstehen? Ihr vielleicht?
Sonntag, 7. Mai 2017
The Self and the Reality
The Self believes to have the power to change reality through its own actions.
But in spite of the deceiving perception that the impermanent can dispel the permanent it cannot.
A perception cannot change a fact like closing my eyes in the sunshine I can perceive darkness but I cannot create darkness. As a matter of fact the sun is still shining.
Likewise the Self can neither define nor change who and what I am.
And likewise the Self cannot change my connection with truth.
Nevertheless it's convinced that the bond with its creations of impermance is stronger than the bond with permanence. In fact it is the other way round. Even better, the Self has no real bond at all. Mere Thought is its form. There is no existence of the Self independent from thought forms. Only truth is independent and self-sufficient.
Awareness and understanding of change reveal these insights with a beautiful clarity.
But in spite of the deceiving perception that the impermanent can dispel the permanent it cannot.
A perception cannot change a fact like closing my eyes in the sunshine I can perceive darkness but I cannot create darkness. As a matter of fact the sun is still shining.
Likewise the Self can neither define nor change who and what I am.
And likewise the Self cannot change my connection with truth.
Nevertheless it's convinced that the bond with its creations of impermance is stronger than the bond with permanence. In fact it is the other way round. Even better, the Self has no real bond at all. Mere Thought is its form. There is no existence of the Self independent from thought forms. Only truth is independent and self-sufficient.
Awareness and understanding of change reveal these insights with a beautiful clarity.
Dienstag, 2. Mai 2017
An der Schwelle zur Ewigkeit
Die Angst vor dem
dem Rückzug der
der Einsamkeit und
Verlassenheit in der Welt.
Der Schmerz der
taumelnd und baumelnd
in der Leere,
die sich wie das
Nichts anfühlt.
Nackt in der
menschlichen Existenz,
auf der Suche nach
Den Schmerz der Welt
in sich tragend,
nach Halt um sich
Der Versuch zu
dass die Liebe
und das Herz erkaltet
Verstummt für Jahre
ohne Wärme und Sonnenschein,
völlig umgeben von
Dunkelheit trotz aller Güter dieser Welt.
Diesen Schmerz
bereit ihn
In ihn hineingehend
mit Zuversicht,
dass ich getragen bin
von etwas, das nicht bricht.
Ich will es fühlen in
jedem Augenblick,
ganz über die
Schwelle treten,
ohne Umkehr und
Vater, warum hast
Du mich verlassen?
Dieser Satz brennt in
meiner Seele.
Die Angst, allein am
Kreuz zu sterben.
Doch das Alte darf
nun gehen,
in Wahrheit ist es
nie geschehen.
Ich bin frei und
schon immer frei gewesen,
in mir dämmert die
vom Kampf zwischen
Gutem und Bösem.
Aus der Leere in die
ist meine Bestimmung,
zu der ich mich
Um mich zu erkennen
und die Welt zu
um mich als grenzenlose
Liebe zu erfahren,
in Wundern der
Heilung und Vergebung.
Ich werde meine
Brüder und Schwestern sehen und verstehen.
Gemeinsam werden wir
über die Schwelle der
Ewigkeit treten.
Sein Wille geschehe.
by D7 in 2011
A short Story about the Father and His Son
Imagine the
Father, God the Creator.
And imagine
His son, the Son of God.
The Father
is the infinite One, the unlimited One:
Infinite Love,
infinite Peace, infinite Joy.
And equally
God created His Son.
Because He
loves to share everything He is.
And He is
everything that is!
And because
God is perfect and complete, He also created a finite and limited world of impermanent forms.
His Son,
out of curiosity, became very much attracted towards this world of finite and
limited forms and desired to experience it.
And there is no
wish that the Father wouldn`t fulfill for His Son.
He created the human being for His Son as a vehicle to explore the finite and limited
And the Son merged with it.
experience fully to be finite and limited as a human being the Son necessarily decided to identify with a human being.
And in order to create very realistic impressions for His Son, the Father made this finite and
limited world appear to be very similar to His own infinite and unlimited Existence:
He created
an almost infinite and unlimited variety of human perceptions such as thoughts, feelings, bodies,
touches, tasts, sounds and smells.
And on top of it, He added an
infinite-like amount of other human beings.
As the
Father knew His Son would completely identify with that creation, He thought to
Himself: “Hmmm, My Son might be willing to come ouf of that experience one day. Then there
should be an exit.”
Though His Son
could never have changed what He really is as the Son of God, He could have
identified with that finite and limited existence forever.
The exit
was necessary because in order to identify completely with that world His Son needed to feel
disconnected from His Father and what He really is. Therefore
after experiencing the finite and limited world for some time, He would feel
missing His Father`s infinite Love, Peace and Joy; though, of course, it was
always there, but He had decided to forget all about the Father`s Presence when He had
chosen to experience to be a limited human being.
As a human
being the Son became a Father-like Creator as He invented a lots of science and
technology and established a lots of rules, laws and systems to organize human
But there
was one thing, He could not invent as a limited human being: the Infinite.
As a
limited human being – even as a very skillful, intelligent and educated one –
He could invent only limited things.
In 2017 He
had established democracy, financial systems, science, education, employment and technology; nevertheless, of course, He could not feel fulfilled
by that!
Instead of
sharing the Father`s infinite Love, infinite Peace and infinite Joy, He suffered
misery in every form: loneliness, sadness, doubt and depression, anger,
aversion, hate and fear, egoism, crime, violence and war, sickness and, after
all, death.
And the
little happiness He experienced once in a while was very fragile as it descended from the finite and limited things and beings around Him.
could the happiness remain in a finite, limited world where there is no
infinity and therefore no stability and safety?
No, it
could never remain.
The Son
would have been lost forever.
fortunately, there was that exit!
The Father
had decided to remain present even in that finite and limited world.
the Son would experience as a human being the Father would remain as a silent
witness so that in silent moments the Son could feel His presence.
The Son
would just need to stop all mental, emotional and physical activity for a
moment and to listen to His Father`s silent presence.
Or just a
simple wish, prayer or a cry for help would, of course, be fulfilled by the
Father who would implement some signs or hints in His Son`s human life in order to help Him remember His Father`s Presence. The
Son would just need to be open to see it.
Imagine the
Father would have placed this exit in your life.
And imagine
this could happen to You in 2017.
Right here, right now.
By D7 in 2002, updated 2017
I have been left behind and left out.
I have decided to have a wonderful task left to do and by doing it I will be reunited.
I am unworthy to do this task.
My worthiness has already been proven and approved that is why this task has been given to me.
I have been left behind and left out.
I have decided to have a wonderful task left to do and by doing it I will be reunited.
I am unworthy to do this task.
My worthiness has already been proven and approved that is why this task has been given to me.
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